Why Study at GITA

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We make learning fun, enjoyable and engaging. Studying at Grenfell Institute of Technology Australia is one of the best decisions you can make.

Located in Adelaide, the best regional study option available to you, we offer students some excellent benefits and help to set you on a pathway where you can achieve your full potential.

To get you started, we have a team of highly qualified and trained trainers to provide you with the best possible education.

Our training staff are actively involved in their profession and regularly work with industry experts to ensure what you learn is relevant and provide you with the skills you need to reach your goals sooner.

All staff at Grenfell Institute of Technology Australia are dedicated to making your study experience as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

You will receive all assistance before you arrive in Australia by aiding and information on what to bring with you and our student support can help you resolve any academic or personal concern you might have.

Grenfell Institute of Technology Australia offers students the opportunity to study in a variety of courses that are recognized all over Australia and internationally in qualifications ranging from Commercial Cookery, Hospitality and Leadership and Management. We can even recognize the skills you already have through recognition of prior learning and our courses can lead to higher education and university pathways.

And what better place to start your learning journey than with Grenfell Institute of Technology Australia in Australia’s most multi-cultural state. South Australia’s lifestyle and culture will make you feel as welcome as we will. All of us at Grenfell Institute of Technology Australia encourage you to read the Prospectus and Student Handbook and do not hesitate to ask us on any questions you may have.

We Provide career focused training

Our Vocational Courses enable our graduates to seek employment opportunities in the fast-evolving global marketplace. Our courses are part of the nationally recognised education and training structure in Australia. We tailor our courses for the industry, thereby enhancing employment opportunities for our graduates.

Experienced Staff & Industry Professional Training

Our knowledgeable staff help deliver our promise of providing a range of exceptional education services. Our staff of highly talented individuals have extensive experience in both education and industry. Our diverse team is dedicated to ensuring that we provide a caring and supportive environment for our students.
We embrace the concept of working with our students so that they can achieve their educational goals within their period of enrolment. Our trainers provide language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) support as well as, accommodating the special needs of students.

Student Service Focus

Staff at Grenfell Institute of Technology Australia understands the many challenges students face when studying away from their home country. Every effort is made to assist students to make the transition to their new surroundings and help them to feel like home. We regularly consult with students to gather feedback on their experience with us and continually develop and improve our services. The result is a supportive and safe environment that enables students to perform at their best.

VET Qualification

Vocational Educational and Training is a distinctive style of learning. It teaches practical, trade relevant skills that are highly prized by employers. Class sizes are kept to a minimum to ensure close attention from lecturers. Assessment is based on achieving competency levels. It adheres to Standards Registered Training Organisation (RTOs) 2015.
WE provide quality training and assessment across all of our operations.
WE adhere to principles of access and equity to maximise outcomes for clients.
WE are responsive to the needs of clients, staff and stakeholders and the environment in which we operate.

Teaching and Assessment Method

Our courses are delivered using variety of different methods. Delivery methods include classroom delivery, lecture, group discussion, presentations, and case study analysis.
We assess students using a combination of written assignments, tests and practical demonstrations. Assessments are based on competency, i.e. ability to perform specific skills and it is done through combination of observation, discussion, written assignments, work placement assessments, direct observation and role plays. Many of our courses have a practical work placement element that allows students to get a feel for the real workplace before they enter work environment.

ESOS, National Code and CRICOS

Australia has a reputation as a safe, progressive and dynamic place to study, and we maintain the reputation by providing quality education to overseas students. The Education Services for overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and associated legislation such as the National Code 2018 is the legal framework governing the responsibility of education institutions towards overseas students. Any education institution that recruits enrols or teaches overseas students must be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) for every course offered to overseas students.

Our Courses are

Highly Competitive
National in Scope
Current Industry Based


Grenfell Institute of Technology Australia is a registered Training Organisation (RTO) under the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector, ASQA (The Australian Skills Quality Authority). ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.